In order to ensure the safety of your cash and valuables while in transit, it is imperative to take adequate measures to avoid the risk of theft or robbery. Therefore, it is absolutely essential to hand over the responsibilities to adequately trained and skilled security personnel for its protection reroute. This service has been existing for generations as a risk free way to carry cash and is most commonly utilised by banks, for which the duty of moving large amounts of money is an everyday necessity. Loss of such a large amount of cash or valuables because of robbery would lead to a devastating set back to the organisation and might take a long time to recover from.

At NSS, we employ highly skilled and handpicked armed guards with armour vehicles fitted with latest technology to transport your cash so that you can be assured of the safety of cash while in transit.

For further information about any of our services or if you would like any of our professionals to get in touch with you simply use the get a quote form to sent us a request