What is infertility treatment?
Infertility is a condition in which a person is not able to conceive even though having regular unprotected intercourse. This infertility treatment suggestively improves the chances of pregnancy. During this treatment hormone treatments, fertility drugs and surgery are included to reduce the symptoms of infertility.Apart from that infertility clinic uses various medical techniques to fertilize an egg and provide the best solution of your problem.Several times couples taking help of infertility treatment to achieve pregnancy when natural pregnancy does not happen to them.
Common cause of Infertility
- Female Infertility
- Male Infertility
- Age-Related Issues and Infertility in Females and Males
- Life style and Environmental Influences and Infertility in Females and Males
- Inexplicable or Idiopathic Infertility in Females and Males

How do doctors treat infertility?
With the previous health histories of both partners doctors recommends tests such as sperm studies, ovulation tests, ultrasound, hysterosalpingography, or laparoscopy. Infertility is treated with medicine, surgery, intra-uterine insemination, or assisted reproductive technology. Many times these treatments are combined. Doctors endorse specific treatments for infertility based on –
- The factors contributing to the infertility.
- The duration of the infertility.
- The age of the female.
- The couple’s treatment preference after counseling about success rates, risks, and benefits of each treatment option
Why choose us?
Kumaran Specialities Hospital is the privately owned and operated clinic which offer top class Infertility treatment and assist the couple in their parenthood journey. This is the number one clinic which brings world’s most advanced technology to deal with your different type of health condition and make sure that all its services are cost-effective for every class of the couple. Backed by the experience and knowledge this clinic is manned with professional doctors and expert specialist to handle your problem with utmost care. This health center cares of you throughout the journey and guides you all along the way and makes the journey enjoyable.