
Oral Cancer:

Oral cancer or mouth cancer refers to any cancerous tissue changes of the mouth or throat. This can be life threatening if not treated on time. They were more common in men and in older individuals. But in recent times the trend is changing as we have many youngsters and women who are affected as smoking and drinking is carried out by both men and women. Routine dental checkups are a must and should be followed more meticulously if you use any tobacco products or consume alcohol.

Causes of Oral Cancer:

  • Tobacco and alcohol-most cases of oral cancer occur in cigarette smokers, tobacco chewers and heavy drinkers.
  • Betel quid chewing, smokeless tobacco chewing
  • Sun exposure-prolonged exposure to the sun especially UV rays in the long run can cause lip cancer.
  • Poor diet-diet poor in nutrition especially decreased fruit and vegetable intake has known to cause oral cancer
  • Ill fitting dentures- dentures that are loose or don’t fit properly may cause tissue changes which don’t heal over a long period increasing the risk of cancer.
  • HPV – a sexually transmitted viral disease. A small percentage of affected individuals show oral cancer symptoms.

Sign and Symptoms Of Oral Cancer

  • An ulcer or sore that doesn’t heal
  • Any white or red patch of tissue
  • Difficulty in swallowing- a burning sensation while chewing or swallowing food,a sense of stickiness where one feels something is stuck to the throat
  • Difficulty in moving the jaw
  • Speech problems- a change in voice ,persistent sore throat,difficulty in pronouncing
  • A lump or thickening in any part of the mouth
  • Numbness in any part of the mouth
  • Unexplained loose teeth and unusual bleeding

Preventive Measures

If you are a tobacco user, alcohol user , betel chewer or simply above 40yrs of age do a self assessment every month in front of the mirror to find any oral tissue changes. Quit these habits as early as possible. Early detection and early treatment results in higher survival rate. People who work outdoors with a prolonged sun exposure can apply lip balms with high sun protection factor (SPF).Consume a healthy well balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables. A thorough dental examination will rule out most cancers or catch them at an early stage. Most cancers show symptoms at an advanced stage hence quitting the cancer causing habits will lessen the degree of occurrence. Ultimately a healthy lifestyle is all it takes to prevent cancers.